Due to severe weather, the library is closing at 5:00pm on Friday, January 10. More details »
The library will be closed on Monday, January 20, for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. More details »
The library recognizes local literary and creative efforts by maintaining a collection of books donated by local authors. This collection is designed to give new and emerging writers an opportunity to be read by their friends, neighbors, and the wider Carmel community.
If you currently reside in Clay Township and have a current CCPL card, you are considered a local author.
Donate one copy of your book for children, teens, or adults. For series books, only the first title in a series will be accepted. Your book must be sturdily bound to withstand being dropped in the book return. CCPL recognizes many local authors' books are self-published and typically have not been reviewed by standard sources. However, they should otherwise meet the standards outlined in our Collection Development Policy. The library reserves the right to decline a book for the collection if the content is deemed inappropriate for a public library. Donated works become the property of CCPL. If not added to the collection, they will be given to the library’s Foundation Friends Bookstore. Due to limitations on staff time, we cannot discuss individual titles with authors.
If approved, your book will be cataloged and placed in the Local Author Collection at the Main Library. Each book will have a bookplate stating, "This book was donated to the Carmel Clay Public Library by the author for the Local Author Collection." It may take up to 90 days to catalog and process Local Author Collection books.
Books in the Local Author Collection will be subject to regular collection maintenance procedures, which may include removing items for considerations such as space, usage statistics, or condition. Withdrawn books will be discarded or given to the CCPL Foundation Friends Bookstore.
It is the library's practice to purchase only those books by local authors that meet selection criteria as outlined in the library's Collection Development Policy. If your book fits the criteria, log into your online My CCPL account and use the Submit a Suggestion link located on your account Dashboard.
Book signings and book programs are subject to CCPL's standard program guidelines. You will be contacted directly should the library's program committee choose to hold a signing or program. If the library schedules a local author fair, we welcome your participation.